Saturday, November 29, 2008

Freedom For Far-out Falcons 2006

Say that three times fast? When I look at this oil painting, I always think of how the surface kept creating impressionistic light from merely the build up of those canary, chrome, lemon and flaxen yellows. While the birch, willow, aspen and cottonwoods shared the same space and only the subtlety in yellows would isolate each subject. Meanwhile, a wild falcon rested in one of the branches eating a freshly killed rodent. Two rude strangers illegally exercised their two pet falcons on a trail in the park, making sure they wouldn't be caught. I was shocked at what selfish people do to get away with abusing the native wildlife and people enjoying a day in a park. The songbirds, woodducks, and hummingbirds avoided the area entirely and came back later. The little bells clanked from the sky as the hunting began, whistle blowing to come back to that glove and ridiculous throwing of roped meat. They noticed we all watched them and they ran away, of course shouting insults which made me cry, boo, whoo, whoo?!? I thought how great it would be if those two beautiful captive falcons said, "We're Free"! They'll liberate themselves one day and join their relations at those cliffs Far out on the endownment lands. Even the highrises have resident wild falcons living amongst the concrete facades and their terra cotta ornamental friends.

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