Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hummingbird's Territory 1988

This happens to me constantly when I'm out and about painting; which I love. I call them my aeronautical heroes and another one of God's gifts to us all. Facets of sparkling iridescence, displayed by the sunlight; living jewels which I am blessed that day with this emerald beauty. A Hummingbird. Small but tough, a genius in flight: manoeuvring also in backwards, vertical, and hovering flight. That mighty little bird gave off mechanical sounding clicks and humming of fast wing-beats. It perched after feeding on this beautiful wild rose and kept me company. Leaving only to challenge that day, a bald-eagle, falcon, hawks, and a couple of meadow-larks. It soared skyward, and with persistent badgering sent the others flying off and out of it's territory. Always sweetly coming back to rest by me.

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