Saturday, August 23, 2008

Spring Reflections 2003

This family of Canada Geese was a nice one. They decided to rest at such a great place; right in front of me at Qualicum Beach. They hung out and stayed put for awhile and I liked that, and the subject was ready to become immortalized. Later, when the young become full grown and look like their parents, all the geese families will congregate and form a large flock. They did eventually hop off and float along with the strong currents of Georgia Strait. An injured seagull soon drifted by with a broken left wing and the feathers were soaked. It was sad to see the whitish grey gull trying to remove it and the weight of the watersoaked wing had begun to unstabilize the bird and turn the wing into a sea anchor. Rushing into the water to save it and bring it to an animal rescue centre in Nanaimo never worked, as it was wild and it swam away from me. The seagull was unbuoyant now and kept flipping to the left and the bird was submerged quite often. It came back up and surprised me now as it had removed its broken wing and uprighted itself. I watched it float back along shore past me and adapt to it's fate, of becoming flightless. I've always had so much respect for Nature, especially that day in June. How every living creature if it has to. Will try to save itself. To the best of its ability.

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