Sunday, March 15, 2020

Forest of the Snowdrops 2020

Travelling along these trails of green,
Forest snows frozen, then thawed from this winters sun,
Storms of the whites so brilliant on that subtle canopy of green,
And the tone of impressions are the flowers of the snowdrops,
Petite and abundant the wild ones are always the prettiest,
As they live to show themselves fully on this chilly day,
Nature will try too preserve them into the next night,
So unique and hardy in this quaint rolling valley,
It is only the trees that lie silent,
As more flowers below hedge up to the awakening Spring of our walk,
Our vital memories challenge us along,
Thus accompanying us on our knowledge of this beautiful woodland,
The quiet little birds lay low and fly between the small plants,
They'll sing their winter songs and feed on this winters sustenance,  
When the density of Spring returns,
All is shrouded once more in this jungle of green,
And living perfection.

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