Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Wild Geraniums Time 2014

Only for the colours of the momentary skies,
But beneath the Lynn Canyon canopy lies,
Greens so emerald and worries gone for a song,
Flowers they've been named many times,
Lay the cranesbill spotted and shy,
Flowers so tiny and rosy purple they'll glow divine,
Wild as this day but gone in this forest of pines,
Even the neighbours of golden yellow hues,
For they're the buttercups which are glad and soft,
All can be lost in those riotous greens,
In which we see them for reasons so keen,
Our summers so near and here today it will begin,
To feel the cool ground of the wild geraniums time,
Spotted cranesbill another of its names please keep in mind.

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