Saturday, November 3, 2012

Those Flickering Lights They’ll Shine So Bright 1983

Autumns moods they’ve seen these times,
Calling me back for my breath reached out,
For years have gone and blind fears have set,
Back towards those lands,
Which the mosquitoes I have met,
Submerge into that river that the Kettle forgave,
It will hold those many watery graves,
Paint on the details of that water-paper find,
And rest for this brilliant light cools my mind,
Oh, those winter filled nights,
Sparkling shafts of light torment the trees,
Yet some with many leaves,
There they’ve stood with many flooded feet,
Another beaver wades in today we’ll meet,
We've worked so hard for a long play at chance,
Now a game of notions along with our glance,
And yet those flickering lights they’ll shine so bright,
The moon is so full as it pulls us closer tonight.

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