Saturday, June 30, 2012

They Wait For The Roses 2012

They'll sigh into the sky,
For those Spring rains cast a gloom,
To long and way into our wet June,
Summer you do not shine,
As that bright star should always be,
It is the clouds which are shameless,
We miss our suns glow,
All that is alive will know,
They dare mystify all the sweet birds below,
Adhere charcoal to this damp place,
Wild roses should make their way,
Blossoms so red, I cannot hardly bare,
For once upon a sunny day,
Bees which were never just a few,
The perfume of the abundant hues,
Now nootka rose buds wait for their cue,
Maybe we should all remember to forget the spell,
For that long play cries out,
They wait for the roses, tale.

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