Saturday, September 20, 2008

Seven Geese Which Loll Around

Searching for a place to rest,
That day was filled with happiness,
Along came a Goose family, what beautiful birds,
Even a Swan elegantly shone across and trumpeted a word,
A Kingfisher and Eagles fished around the park,
Our children and others played and had a lark,
Time never remains still when one is having fun,
The Clock of the day will pace and test the sun,
Even the tide laps at your heel, and wets to content,
My oil work that day never fails, I find is God sent,
Emotions are remembered and memory please don't fail,
I send a romantic message adrift, which may prevail,
Tears can't be shared and blamed on the rain,
As never let a wonderful moment escape and be tamed,
Some around us, can be trusted I feel, but live life to the hilt,
And experience the knowing of joy-laughter, ones Soul is rich for the lilt.

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