Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Calls from the Ocean Gulls 2014

December storm it will drift along,
It came and now it's gone,
Even when we glanced up high,
Occasional showers still left that wet our eyes,
Small and large birds,
Wild and some rare,
Sang to us as we moved into the meadow without a care,
The strand so wet but we're conscious of the peace,
And to the distance on Mayne Island,
Faraway sounds that strike the ground,
For the thunder with those soft clouds test,
So those winter leaves are memories,
Only silhouettes along our paths we've chosen to see,
Should please all the large white gulls that wait too leave,
They've cried down to us to stay for a prayer,
Those winged passengers ascend towards the troubled air,
We've chased away their tears as they soar out to sea and dare.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Brydon Park Transformed 2014

The fall which is over,
But the forgotten leaves,
In this place of forest,
Which dwells deeper into our memory,
That day gone but not too long,
Our souls and hearts and our minds filled always,
For almost winter is upon us,
Replacing the beauty around which we will never forget,
And yet it's remembered fondly on that lovely day,
Brydon Park with the autumn skies so blue,
No more are those changing leaves but colours left bare,
For the quiet forest now with reaching trees,
Their boughs so high and limbs that branch out towards the uncertain sky,
And hide no more secrets but all is revealed,
For the snows to drift down and hold a cover so white,
As these woodlands show frosty into this December night.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Mushrooms of Mycelium 2014

From the substrate world way down below,
The underground mycelium colonies knows,
Hyphae mass or shiro spins,
Within the fairy ring fungi show,
Such parasol mushrooms to delight,
Never eat for the danger is so right,
To change this tune the wrens call out,
But the winter songbirds sing back and feed on seeds,
And chase away these autumn dreams to tease,
They'll huddle one another close and warm,
In this land at Allco Park with umbrellalike magic,
With their cream-coloured caps,
And gills with spores to fill the air,
Soon they return to the earth to share.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Remembrance Day 2014!

For The Love Of Our Brave...
Remain Too This Day!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Autumns Canvas 2014

Autumns canvas takes shape before our very eyes,
So many vibrant colours with those soft forms,
As once in the spring they grew and made us happily sigh,
In this forest of our choice the winter birds have arrived,
All those special trees with their thousands of leaves,
Drift down from high above but the maples tease,
They'll move along in this cool and quiet breeze,
To colour the trails for all of us too see,
Not a hue competes but its complementary is release,
For now in the woodlands of Marble Range,
Such  winds fell the leaves as the rainstorms never cease.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Skies of Dusk in Indian Summer 2014

A  knowing look into those brilliant skies,
With the clouds all assembled to guide us out,
Many paths once visible to choose from at French Beach Park,
For earlier filled with colours so memorable,
Now mysterious monuments like lone sentinels wait,
Innocent and really the wild rosebushes,
And many a wind blown trees of the mountain ash forsake,
Only these Indian Summer dusk events,
Could cast this glorious light and a veil so precise,
Too leave us all in silhouette but shame the passing gales,
Everything born to be natural waits in silent beauty,
As now we all move along in perfect harmony,
Like the gentle song of rustling alder leaves,
Calling to guide us closer into their familiar grove,
And we leave the skies of dusk in Indian Summer so pleased.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Summer Flaunts 2014

Ravished by these silken nights,
With the cool breezed intentions,
For our late summer days wane out,
Only the shorter daylight laid a plan for all,
As we justify the changing colours once more,
Fall will move along and spread a gentle touch,
So we brush the pigments deep into those many forms,
Allowing our summer to flaunt and play,
While the purple loosestrife waits,
Too calm another cool and peaceful night away.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Summer Rushes Along the Waves 2014

Such tall growth of faded colors,
Released into the eclipsed noonday sun,
It is the memories of these water filled lands,
As we see them through those heights,
Cattails soaring higher too reach for that light,
From the warm sultry air that summer leaves us bare,
Many dragonflies fluttering between these towers,
The other insects move with reckless beauty,
Along with wings so unique for their life plays out,
Except the butterflies which float in a faraway dream,
Those insects know which passage will bring a treat,
From way down below the moist Somenos marshland trickles,
As the breeze tickles the shafts of those viridian green rushes,
With hundreds of leaves like grass that dare us to reach,
For the cattails umber and brave with secrets still kept away,
Those seed heads will burst and shimmer,
Into the downiest of whites which glimmer in floating aerial rafts,
Now cool as the changing air and tidal waves which flow,
To ease this parched marshlands for us to behold.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Natures Community Along the River 2014

Sleepless into these summer days,
Upon the hours of this land,
We quicken our hopes and know,
Time will crest away those waves from this rivers shore,
For our love and those wild roses seem to mingle,
And share the moment of these dreams that wait no more,
Nootka rosebush glorious and brave,
Their blossoms come alive and show today,
From its songs by the weaver finches casting their spells,
Within that green life force displays,
From hundreds of cool licks of paint,
Brushed too tease this board of revelation,
It sees more than it had seen before,
Only the human touch from painting,
Will commune in this place of nature,
With its precious cargo of beautiful animals which know,
That winters breath will fill this land with snow.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Wild Geraniums Time 2014

Only for the colours of the momentary skies,
But beneath the Lynn Canyon canopy lies,
Greens so emerald and worries gone for a song,
Flowers they've been named many times,
Lay the cranesbill spotted and shy,
Flowers so tiny and rosy purple they'll glow divine,
Wild as this day but gone in this forest of pines,
Even the neighbours of golden yellow hues,
For they're the buttercups which are glad and soft,
All can be lost in those riotous greens,
In which we see them for reasons so keen,
Our summers so near and here today it will begin,
To feel the cool ground of the wild geraniums time,
Spotted cranesbill another of its names please keep in mind.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Bells That Greet 2014

We had thought these meadows would fulfill our delights,
A riotous display of buttercups so wild and yellow,
Dazzled their own brilliance and shock of colour,
Late spring with the suns warmth touching everything below,
The natural life of this land in balance,
While it feels the atmosphere that drifts so high,
Clouds billowing up for no ones business,
As it will tease that lovely blue sky,
Again below the land hopes for its own reasons,
All this fresh air around will float on just a care,
We breathe in all this clean aura,
Then make our way towards the Chehalis woodland flora,
Roman goddess of flowers for her name the source,
To hear the bells chime,
A quaint notion but the breeze makes us hear the leaves,
Too enter the many galleries among these trees,
So tiny and blue and smelling so sweet,
Oh, for the wild hyacinths which live there; would be the bells that greet.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Gift of the Lilies of the Valley 2014

They will carpet the land in white,
Those dainty flowers which smell so sweet,
Each like a bell which scents this land of dreams,
They've tempted the hummingbirds which could not reach,
What sips the lilies nectar with divine promise,
If only the mysteries of this garden would speak,
It's essence would not silence the beauty about us,
They'll smile upon us; just revealing those subtle secrets,
For spring you have begun to amaze this glorious earth,
It's rich reddish brown soil holds life,
That only the greens all deep and soft shine,
With tender foliage; such growing leaves that love the suns warm light,
This day a wonderful one that departs and now we rest,
But it is our garden which awaits,
For the next beautiful morning of surprises,
Soothed with faint beautiful darkness and transition with haste,
The garden with the glorious lilies of the valley are asleep,
They'll all nod to the earths clock for later flourish,
Unseen and into our nights room oasis,
Filled with their soft velvety fragrances,
That our love makes passion,
For the cool intoxicating air romances,
The lingering promise before dawn breaks this nights veil,
And the beauty cast in many blossoms reborn too greet.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Snowdrops Revived 2014

The bleak land seen only through this seasons mask,
Awake the painters for their task,
As it touches our hearts delight,
We'll make our way along these emerald trails so deep,
That only a kiss reveals the love we keep,
For the woodland trees of Manning Park still bare and wait,
Soon the timid sun flaunts its image and fate,
With the soil laid green with life,
And the sleep in your eyes,
Like the dreams for always revived,
They'll carpet the forest like lanterns which shine divine,
Before dawn breaks this night,
Oh, for the snowdrops beloved of its earth,
And for all its need too rise.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Sky and Rivers Play 2014

The watery reflective light,
Mirrors the shine of peace,
With the surface still calm,
It will delude all the illusions and release,
Imagine it could send us all dreaming, 
Along with this vision of the sky above so serene,
They'll play with the brilliant hues,
The ones we know and have come to call the sky blues,
Almost like a face which stares down from above,
For the rivers current in its volume dares to motion its love,
Fill this presence with a delicious pretense,
Just like the seductive sunlight coaxes our sight,
It appears to leave but never shares its secrets and might,
For the scandalous moonlight shines for us tonight.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Winters Sunlight Fades 2014

Such is the sunlight which moves,
Throughout this living arcade of spruces and pines,
Cool as it fades for time won't wait,
But those sudden desperate snows,
Blind this land for no one wants to know,
This season which hides the luscious earth below,
That only the suns mild flare would dare behold,
Too not share our wanting cares; we'll leave this land of Rolley Park alone,
For Februaries coffin that is the ground,
So frozen it moved plant roots of life below around,
Above already pale green with life and so sudden is this day,
Their buds so flimsy in their protective sheaths they'll never miss,
Which burst through for the snowdrops love,
To feel essential warmth of the sunlights kiss.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

This Winters Stream That Falls Gently Away 2014

Quick melting stream meanders,
With the backwash woodlands flowing gently,
Time has released all those delicious hues to saturate,
This primary land known only for the woods which are silent,
And the wild creatures have seen us coming and flee,
They could not be tamed easily but know of our worn down paths,
They'll rest and when we sketch they come to drink their fill,
For our journey which follows this land so vast,
Is like the riverbanks that holds its precious waters back,
This winters stream that falls gently away,
Will not remain untouched at Burns Bog,
For soon the arctic hand moves south to grip this land.